★Guy Lafitte / Quartet & Sextet Sessions 1956-1962
FRESH SOUND FSRCD975 Hi Fi · 24-Bit Digitally Remastered ブラック&ブルーなどから70年代以降の数多くの作品が復刻され脚光を浴びているフランスの名テナーマン、ギ・ラフィットが、50年代フランスColumbia(1956年から1962年の間) に録音した5枚のEP盤が、1枚のCDにまとめられて登場! ギ・ラフィットの貴重な作品アーカイブスの発掘、復刻作業もこれで、「LES CLASSIQUES DU JAZZ」(FSRCD953)、「GUY LAFITTE AND HIS QUARTETTE & QUINTETTE FEATURING GEO DALY」(FSRCD962)「His Tenor Sax And His Orchestra 1954-1959」(FSRCD969)に続いて4枚目となる。 今回も、ジョルジュ・アルバニタ、レイモンド・フォル、ジャンークロード・ぺリティエのピアノやロジェ・ゲラン(tp)、クロード・ボーリング、マーシャル・ソラール(arr)ら素晴らしいメンバーが参加。 なかでもバラード吹奏「身も心も」は、コールマン・ホーキンスのそれに匹敵する決定的名演とされている。 テナーファン、コレクター、ジャズ研究家はマストアイテムです! Guy Lafitte (ts) Roger Guerin (tp) Claude Gousset, Nat Peck (tb) Dominique Chanson (as, fl) Michel De Villers, William Boucaya (bs) Jean-Claude Pelletier, Georges Arvanitas, Raymond Fol (p) Paul Rovère (b) Christian Garros, Franco Manzecchi (ds) Kenny Hagood (vo) Claude Bolling, Raymond Fol, Martial Solal (arr) 1. Three Little Words (Ruby-Kalmar) 2. Le Conte (Guy Lafitte) 3. Sugar (Pinkard-Alexander-Mitchell) 4. What’s New? (Haggart-Burke) 5. Portrait de Camile (Guy Lafitte) 6. Corail ( Jean-Claude Pelletier) 7. It’s the Talk of the Town (Livingston-Symes-Neiburg) 8. A Song Was Born (Raye-DePaul) 9. The Jeep Is Jumpin’ (Ellington-Hodges) 10. Tranquillement (Claude Bolling) 11. Queenie (Guy Lafitte) 12. Le chat qui dort (Guy Lafitte) 13. It Might As Well Be Spring (Rodgers-Hammerstein II) 14. Gone with the Wind (Wrubel-Magidson) 15. Body and Soul (Green-Heyman-Sour-Eyton) 16. Lonesome Lover Blues (Billy Eckstine) 17. You Can Depend On Me (Hines-Dunlap-Carpenter) 18. All Too Soon (Ellington-Sigman) 19. What Am I Here For (Duke Ellington) 20. The Mill and the River (Guy Lafitte) 21. Plucky (Guy Lafitte) Sources: Tracks #1-4, from the 7-inch EP “Rendez-vous aux Trois Mailletz” (Columbia ESDF1118) Tracks #5 & 6, from the 10-inch LP “Do Not Disturb” (Columbia FP 1085) Tracks #7-11, from the 10-inch LP “Guy” (Columbia FP 1124) Tracks #12-17, from the 10-inch LP “Guy Lafitte et son Quartette avec Kenny Hagood” (Columbia FP 1133) Tracks #18-21, from the 7-inch EP “Guy Lafitte” (Columbia ESDF 1415) Personnel on #1-6: GUY LAFITTE QUARTET Guy Lafitte, tenor sax; Jean-Claude Pelletier, piano; Paul Rovère, Christian Garros, drums. Michel De Villers, baritone sax, added on #4. Recorded in Paris, May 24 & 25 (#5 & 6), 1956 Personnel on #7-8: Georges Arvanitas, piano, replaces Pelletier Recorded in Paris, September 30, 1959 Personnel on #9-11: GUY LAFITTE SEXTET Roger Guérin, trumpet, Claude Gousset, trombone; Guy Lafitte, tenor sax; Georges Arvantitas, piano; Paul Rovère, bass; Christian Garros, drums. Arrangements by Claude Bolling. Recorded in Paris, September 30, 1959 Personnel on #12-17: GUY LAFITTE QUARTETTE Guy Lafitte, tenor sax; Raymond Fol, piano; Paul Rovère, bass; Christian Garros, drums; Kenny Haggod, vocals on #12,15 & 16. Recorded in Paris, September 26, 1960 Personnel on #18-21: GUY LAFITTE SEXTET Nat Peck, trombone; Dominique Chanson, alto sax & flute; Guy Lafitte, tenor sax; William Boucaya, baritone sax; Raymond Fol, piano; Gilbert “Bibi” Rovère, bass; Franco Manzecchi, drums. Arrangements by Raymond Fol (#18 & 19), and Martial Solal (#20 & 21). Recorded in Paris, May 3, 1962 お取り寄せ